Hniversity of Arizona TUCSON COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY January 16, 1957 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Bacteriology College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: The Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science will meet at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, from April 28 to May 2, 1957. One of the outstanding events of the meetings of this group is the John Wesley Powell Memorial Lecture given by a distinguished investigator in some field of science upon a topic of his own selection. This lectureship, established in 1929 by an anonymous donor, provides an honorarium of $150. There is no additional expense allowance. Since the meetings more or less coincide with the opening of the new Biological Sciences Building and since the list of Powell lecturers has never included a microbiologist, it seems appropriate that this years lecturer should represent that field. As chairman of the Powell Lecture Committee, it is my privilege to invite you to participate as this years lecturer. The lecture date is Tuesday, April 30, at 8 P.M. but this could be changed to Monday, April 29, if the lecturer so wished. We would be grateful for an early reply and, if you accept, for the subject of your lecture. Sincerely yours, 4 Vili Liar Adelaide E. Evenson AEE :r1