CARL DJERASSI ~ SIERRA LEGNA 735 MEXICO 10, D. F., MEXICO April 28, 1959 Dear Joshua, I was pleased to learm from your note that my tales ef eggs and the poisgmous effects of peanut butter made an impression. However the situation is much more complicated than you may think, First ef all, while I am fond of cheese omelet, I am personally specializing only in scrambled eggs. Secomcaly, your saving of eggs does not even begin to cover the situation, since the eggs are by far the least important component. ‘that about the pan (its thickness amd especially diameter), the stove, the necessity of gas rather than electric heat, the special ferk (must be sterling and not weigh too much) required to stir it, etc. etc. Clearly you won't be able to cepe with the experimental set-up required by me mor ought you amd your wife have to wait. for my scrambled eges until 1960 when I shall meve te Stamford. Theonly suggestion that I can make is that both of you visit us while wé are still living in Mexicoe We have a large heuse — hence mo trouble about having you stay with us - amd most importantly, a very good Mexicen cook who might come in handily after you got tired of scrambled eges. Indeed, if you are alse prepared to give a lecture at the University of Mexico (I would be happy to arrange this), Symtex con surely be per- suaced to cover your airplane fare. Saludos toe both e you,