Cunference Ot The Chemical Organization of Cells: Normal and Abnormal Madison, Wiseotste. Ang. 23, 28, 27, 1968 Committee EARL P. BENDITT, SEATTLE OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN FRANK J. DIXON, PITTSBURGH SEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY CHARLES E. DUNLAP. NEW ORLEANS UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA MEDICAL CENTER JOSEPH J. LALICH, MADISON BIRMINGHAM, ALA. HENRY D. MOON, SAN FRANCISCO J. F. A. MCMANUS, BIRMINGHAM June 24 1959 f CHAIRMAN Joshua Lederberg, M.D. Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: The second meeting of the Conference on the Chemical Organization of Cells will be held in Madison, Wisconsin, August 25, 26 and 27, 1960 under the auspices of the Pathology Study Section of the National Institutes of Health. The subject for the coming meeting will be proteins and protein synthesis and one session of the program will deal with antibody formation. { would like to invite you on behalf of the program committee to participate in the antibody session and discuss antibody formation in whatever manner you choose, presumably dealing with genetic considerations and the natural selection hypothesis. We hope to have other speakers dealing with the morphologic and biochemical aspects of antibody formation. You will be paid all of your expenses in connection with the meeting plus a modest honorarium. If at all possible, a prompt reply as to your availability and willingness to participate would be greatly appreciated. | hope we will be able to entice you back to your old stamping grounds. Best regards ,; ad Dy Frank J. Dixon, M.D. FJD/fam Please address your reply to Frank J. Dixon, M.D., Chairman, Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh 13, Pennsylvania.