STANFORD UNIV.—DEPT, GENETICS Please see. NOTE tee. RECORD vee DISPOSE +. OBTAIN cea INVESTIGATE e+e. SEND vie. COPY TX +. DISPLAY Then © File 0 0 Return JUN 81964 — p>. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA WJ N FRANCISCO MEDICAL CENTER . SAE a. oo C: & June 1964 \ ers nent of Genetics ty O rnia Discard — Report berg: J. LEDERBERG a utami Kiyota of Kumamoto University, Japan, who applied for an international fellowship to spend a year with tme in neurochemistry, gave me your name as a reference, We would appreciate your evaluation of Dr. Kiyota, Sincerely yours, oF — : N) Elizabeth Roboz Einstein, Ph.D. SS Clinical Professor of Neurology (Neurochemistry) BRE/ecb I met or. Kiyoza at Kumamoto, where ZT found him to be doing some excellent work on curare-receptor proteins under extremely adverse conditions. At that time his speaking knowledge of Imglish was quite limited, but he understood surprisingly well by contrast, an: I have heard that in the past two years he has put in a good deal cf effort on this. Iwas sufficiently well impressed to consider very seriously asking him to smp spend a year at Stanford, but as we were really not set up, I concluded that to put such an organizational burden on him as well would be impractica} and unfair. I judge he is certainly doing as good work in the field as anyone else, has a good grasp of basic problems and of the world's literature, and is working with uncommon energy ond enthusiasm. I liked him too, and would add that to the recommendatica; he is a vergmum serious-minded and determined fellow, and I would like to see him get an opportbnity to work under rather less oppressive conditions. N ‘