LABORATORIUM VOOR TOEGEPASTE ENZYMOLOGIE EN RADIOBIOLOGIE Cae No. DER RUKS-UNIVERSITEIT TE LEIDEN , WASSENAARSEWEG 62, TEL. 01710-24441 LEIDEN, __danuary.15%) — , 962. | STANFORD UNIV.—DEPT. GENETICS ) | I am forwarding i ™ \ | SS. NATE i, eee. RECOKL .... DISPOSE -- OBTAIN INVESTIGATE SES. ND—., -QOPY FX) 2 1D your request to Professor J.Lederberg, Dr. Stocker Dept. of Genetics, at the Lister Stanford University Medical Center, Institute, London. Palo Alto. California. as he has the U.S.A. strain. JH Dear Professor Lederberg, For several months last summer I worked under the auspices of the U.S. - U.S.S.R. exchange of scientists program as a guest in the laboratory of Prof.S.Bresler in Leningrad. With one of his students I began a project on tranformation of B.subtilis and the effects of nitrous acid on this system. The project has now been largely completed by Bresler's young student, Daniel Perumov, and will be the basis of his Carfidaat (our Ph.D.) thesis. However, for final antitvation of his work he writes that he now needs B.subtilis with linked markers and has asked me to try to obtain such a strain for him. I have checked here in the Netherlands where I am currently working but cannot locate anyone who has aquired such a strain from either your laboratory or from Zamenhof's. The high cotransfer index strain of B. subtilis, SB 25 ind his, you have described in Proc .Nat.Acad.Scie, 47, 52 in your article with Dr. Nestor would of course be ideal for Perumov's further work. Would it be possible for you to have a sample of this strain sent to me here in the Netherlands for trarshipment to the Soviet Union? And because this transshipment necessarily takes so long may I be so bold as to suggest air mail rather than regular post? Both I and my Russian colleagues will be greatly obliged to you for this kindness. With sincere thanks, Jets ex (Joseph Eigner) aeublz