ee, SEP 23 1963 LABORATORY FOR EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE MONTANA DEACONESS HOSPITAL E. J. Ercnwaup, M.D., Director GREAT FALLS. MONTANA E. C. Lustorasr, M.S., Research Associate September 18, 1963 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: This letter is merely personal and exploratory; it concerns the scope of activities of the Tissue Trans- plantation Committee of the National Academy of Sciences of which | have been the chairman for the last five to six years. ’ —_ ee? This Committee is composed primarily of immunogeneti- cists and transplantation immunologists (Lawrence, Winn, Trentin, Congdon, Koprowski), and also a few surgeons (Russell, Egdahl, Murray). For some time several of us have been concerned that our group is getting a little ingrown, and possibly in danger of neglecting some of the broader aspects of transplantation biology as they may present themselves in the near or distant future. PVM AD) A In view of your interest in tissue transplantation, a few of us have wondered, independently, whether you possibly might be interested in Joining this group. | am certain that your presence would add greatly to the : broadening of our outlook, Please give me your reaction - to this inquiry. With warm personal regards, Sincerely. yours, EF. J. Eichwald, M. D. EJE/gj