_ YALE UNIVERSITY _ OSBORN BOTANICAL LABORATORY _ NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT Se EK ‘March 3, 1947. Dear Dr. Mather: ee eo 2 ee tn pa gy te oa aonk 2. This should perhaps have been written as a postscript: te my letter of the Sth ult., since certain, remarks. therein, will have to be revised. ...0 #78 os. 6 fe 2h oe a Deve ef Leo ~ fhe results. of the cress B-P--X T-1-B,-LacrV* de, not support - . the map order B, 3; BM: Lac: V:P:2L. which seetied: te: be suggested by. the comparisons ef the crosses BM X TLB,V* and BM X TPV™. The data are: . BHP-T+L+B,+Lactv® X B+P+2-L-B,-Lac-V". (The P here does not Lae’ recombine with P of TP). , -R +R -5 +5 Protptrophs: 25 0 27 4 Be + Bt 62 2 41 1 (these are types from B, plates. B,~ ca 10X B+ ) l 1 Be + Bt T4 LO 69 12. ‘(frem B plates— but B--not more than about 1/2 as frequent as B+ ) mt nd Bt * There are two respeets in which these data do net fit the map erder assumed above: 1. #S is mich too frequent / uly ppb? ppede thay 2..B- is much too infrequent. tel, fatal to the hypothesis of linear linkage, since the recombination value for V in the cress BM X TP.” may depend on the map order BM--P-V-T, on the assumption that the ° recombinations between V and T...P depend en two crossovers. fhe | numerical data are not inconsistent with the theory (even in the .- absence of interference) particularly if T is to some extent to the However, these data are not right of L. | : AB. This gives a@ map: : + ge FF LS eo co _ 0 ff 15 10 iS FS OR Ath fa PVET. B ce eBMc cece LAC cect sPesesceeeVocecs cba? - fy > & . : _$ t ob , Ab wm Re A . In this cress then, the Kmauam crossevers required are: wee (A.D is -S; A.E is -R ; D=E) Pretotrophs:A.DE or A.B.C.DE A.B.G.D is +S; A.B.C.E is 4R By" : DE or B.C.DE Be F.DE w FA, €.pe A8C.DE ~o ALP A =f ory id nae tote oe The It would not appear to be too worthwhile to attempt to maxe too precise estimations of absolute distances from such data es these until we learn more avout the possibilities of intereferences, which could certainly throw one wide of the marx. Another approach to the problem of linearity has suggested itself, and J am working on it now. It should be possible to find ‘cross-over suppressor! stocks after intense irradiation. These would be presumablg based on the occur- rence of inversions. It should be a relatively simple matter to detect inversions covering region A of the map, since crosses involving such sttécks could yieid By-- but no proti®phs. (using, eg BM X TLB, - ) If such can be fuund, one’ can also detetmine whelifer, if gual, of the regions £,C,D,or E are involved; a group of such stocks could provide evidence as to the linear plotting of regions of sup -ressed interchange and tnerewy indicate the linearity the gene arrangéwent. first, the inversions will have to be deceobed.7. What news on the new addition of your ‘Statistical Analysis?! Sincerely, a