JUN 4 1965 UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM CQ) Institute of Child Health Telephone THE NUFFIELD BUILDING, Edgbaston 5441 FRANCIS ROAD, ee BIRMINGHAM, 16. PROFESSOR DOUGLAS HUBBLE, M.D., F.R.C.P. Dr. J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, School of Medicine, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, May 31st. 1965. ¢ Dear Dr. Lederberg, Please forgive my extreme delay in writing to thank you for the hospitality of your department and your home in March. I very greatly enjoyed my visit, and have been very seriously considering your offer to come to Sdvenda Stanford and to work primarily on the Jceland data from there. lWUnfortunately my daily expectations of having adequate information about local events have not materialised, and I have heard nothing from Aberdeen, beyond hearing that I am on the short list, while the computer situation here remains hopefully nebulous, with the possibility of a 1440 by Christmas. “owever, the tcelandic position is very good and I have just spent a week with Cavajli Sforza, and return in July for two months. I think there are good prospects for doing extensive automated grouping on 5/ of the population per year, and ultimately getting the substanté4al data on both linkage and disease susceptibilyty in relation to specific markers in the same population. i should be able to make a more reliable prediction on feasibility in September, With best wishes, ‘Yours sincerely, (kaw Hier, J. H. Edwards.