HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE DEAN December 15, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Bernie Davis told me that he had sent you a note to express his delight at the recent recognition that has come -- at long last -- from the Nobel Committee for Physiology and Medicine. Because I think it might please you to know about it, I send you in confidence the copy of a letter that went on January 25, 1958 to the Royal Caroline Medical Institute at Stockholm urging recognition by the award of the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine in 1958 for you and some of those who have been stimulated by your brilliant work. As you will see from the letter that I sent in as the nomination of the Harvard group, Bernie wrote most of the letter for us -- he is the best qualified of our group to analyze this field that is so rapidly enriching biological knowledge. It was my great misfortune to be away from town when you were here on November 13th. On that occasion I had to be in New York attending the annual. meeting of the Corporation and Board of Directors of the Commonwealth Fund. Had I been in Boston, I should have told you what I am now putting in a letter. I wish you could have heard the countless enthusiastic comments that were made on your lecture and your contributions to informal discussions here. I am terribly sorry that I had to miss your visit. Singerely yours, George Packer Berry, M.D. Dean With best wishes, ~ mee GPB:mr,j _— cc: Dr. Bernard’ D. Davis