December 27, 1957 Dr. Boris Rotman Universidad de Chile Escuela De Medicina Instituto de Cuimica Fisiologica Y Patologica Bergono 1):70 Santiago, Chile Dear Boris: I was very pleased to receive your letter and manuscript, and parti-~ cularly to learn that you might be able to spend a few months working here with us. I am sorry to be so late in answering, but I found that a thorough digestgtion of your paper took more time than I had available until recently. I had meanwhile received a copy of the manuscript to referee for the J. Bact., and I think it best to tell you that I am responsible for at least some of the comments you will be receiving from the Journal. In order to save time, I am enclosing a carbon copy of my comments to the Journal. I'm afraid these comments may appear to you rather severe, but I want to assure you they are offered in the friendliest spirit, and only with the hope of improving the paper. I think your work contains a good deal of material of real interest, but in its present form an excessive amount of effort is required to absorb this material. I have gone over the manuscript as I would if it were a product of my own laboratory, and I hone you find the comments helpful. I think it would be wonderful if you could come here for a few months next year, As you know, Maury Sussman will also be coming to Boston next year. In choosing a time you.micht like to take into account the fact that Monod will be visiting here in November 1958, In my new situation I do not have available the funds that I could draw on two years ago; I do hope that your local authorities will 7 able to support a refresher trip here for you. I am delighted to learn that your wife is fully recovered, and I look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes for the New Year, Sincerely, Bernard D,. Davis ~~