RESEARCH LABORATORIES THE NATIONAL DRUG COMPANY HAINES AND McCALLUM STREBTS PHILADELPHIA 44, PENNA. December 10th 1953 Dear Dr. Lederberg: You are quite correct, I did do a review of the acridines which appeared in Medicine, Vol. 23, p. 79, 194. Unfortunate- ly, I have no reprints of this article and therefore cannot comply with your request. As you know, Dr. Adrien Albert re- cently wrote a book on this subject but then, clearly, I am proposing coal for Newcastle, in view of the presence in your group of Dr. Rubbo. I do very mich appreciate your willingness to exchange publications and with that thought in view, I am sending to you, under separate cover, a copy of "Biological Antagonism’. With all good wishes for the coming holiday season. Sincerely yours, Cuate J. Waly Gustav J. Martin, Sc.D. Research Director Dr. Joshua Lederberg The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Department of Genetics Madison 6, Wisconsin GJM/dtt