UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY DAVIS, CALIFORNIA September Sy 1952 or. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Visconsin Dear Joshs: ‘te arrived in sunny California safe and sound. ‘Vith those three offspring of mine jumping around my little Ford the trip was quite amusing. On the way out I stopved to chat with Dr. Chance, He and Yennett Clark {who worked with Orv Wyss) are well into a combined cytological-senetic problem. Pers haps you are already acquainted with their approach. Chance has perfected a still different nuclear stain which has quite taken my fancy sy its simplicity, clean- cut results and its sound theoretical basis. At least one paper on the nucleus of daffyka sp. is in press (Stain Technology). Another on cytokinesis, which is truly astounding, is in preparation, Perhaps you are already familiar with much of this. As you know, Chance has been working in this field for 13 years, and this is the first time in the vast 7 that I have seen him so elated. Also during my travels I visited a former student of Abie Eisenstark who has been working on transformations of Fasturella sp. This strain is lysozenic and tre phenomenon is quite similar to transduction in salmonellae. Unfortunately, the characters so far transformed are morrhological and, hence, difficult to score, As usual I wish to "borrow" something. If you have ample, could you send some ONPG? JT hoped to study galactosidase in course 104 since you have developed such an elezant method of assay. Again T extend the invitation to visit us your next trip west. est wishes and thanks for all our help in the past. Sincerely, ‘ aad Allen o. Marr n OM sme