Y BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INc. UPTON, L.1., N.Y. REFER: TEL. YAPHANK 4-6262 DEPARTMENT OF April 26, 1963. BIOLOGY Professor Joshua Lederberg Dept of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California, Tear Dr. Lederberg: I am very glad to have your suggestion that we make an effort to develop a system of nomenclature for bacterial genetics which could be used for listing in computer selection, I sincerely hope that the problems you encountered can be solved to satisfaction of all concerned, and I can assure you that this matter will be considered at our conference, An invitation to attend the conference has been sent to Mr. Okum, Also I am asking Dr. H. E, Umbarger, to send him the invitation to attend the Symposium. His travel expenses and living expenses during the conference (but not during the whole Symposium ) will be covered from a small grant we received from the Genetics Society, Sincerely yours, : i MU. i Lele q, M. Demerec, MD/ar Lt ) 2 19111 AC