; hy 5 Y iP) “7- yh the glut fo gue Mloligdhip ur flom Aust 4a,3 In Atetut years Flors Astorenns on. flan Acar Cantd by lawfhiruw tai have Atatsed - fowl GAOl Mt, Apintel fn ny filly werktd orf bxtnrufelt of Me wtnrotlon of geusht fyytnu W Mott ard forasle Of dun pltut aAstate MBs 5a, weil discus MWe turdeuee tee for ts hj potius that fr birq gue fer Ablane flan det i. ft G0 tw a eoritibodn, CUR gine tn Me foros dtltinciing wher Me oulenue of utnachs. blown Ahn wll $e fat auacpsbid, mio» host piaslence . ob this lnpot crs ch of great vinfportaute tia ctuttlefrrg ~ 4 Cancept of the until of pinnolegic qpleiatitalinn vn x potrogiuc furge.. bt has ttn uftliid Wi wuk LK os tufthorbing Ordtue Than & He exit for flex hur, & feliunn Fist of Ot & nereiery 6 Chauwre FOU’ wtcods. Masupudatiorn af the dost os Mrareutforurard - Fleas a Aplod ew 50 thal ctrl Of hot gtuotpe b bhy Sin fl. Che Aum tower fruttus erbain aifferutbu. It i not posible whin Maudlig tret® % astertac. that tac Pryturiin bs dhs Kaul! of wufttln try 2 Ainglt Spica Cann tnt ret tus of Mt faust wetiuvg trpe. Sure Mh ates oe es 26 Mtge Mnugn tht it Spores a bien.g 0 Ut Sawe Aion liz claat C aviheleul OS Quncnatiuig tht Amt . SiAtus x nota Atid 0 b6¢ nissed & wnoruwlalar. Shaded. Mor of meio offer ANGLE frre. Mth Pdtad nn aseia astiurthe. Bs alecotforws anu ted as goor ao ti Mto4 tpidinus Covtuns thn frustolt huphit-aud aca, Mttd fo trttanwualion, of oir alten. he Cor utttic. wl Mus aspecr of tg work We Wit (5 1p tale Carttrming tie in fectiie abititis Of dpotedin. Since Milannfosora — avivgintinh ty mteus of Mdiokporss hho wouleof faut Sguifcana fr Me tht aktihwtrt uf tan fetlion an tthitant varieLes . She tiroeutaher of difforital tot varie tes ute tht hoover. fing planta can te tafed Wh warn, Aiffertut Sarees wu -hia wasrs,. Flor Aitogusts S racun t4fts but fr toe purpose of sare libificulsn Shou fs We ile tue claws: sibhauk tod ferelpu. Kis wuans has most of Floss Lala whe mary be BAAN far LMA tut of tit a for go Atha Lidin tug, wil ab, hew + at thy tevtl. Ait i Mt ddffosue Aiur. Atidbiaudg acd Natt) billg a, hulu ard drirulouce will be of janiftaua fOr. Ah Ouuuuig races aunt th dfn belarten untuk, And blind ar bien aws oY ahultrd will vol, Albin. Sip nr aaa ampli: tin Flo Nahi Prw his date . hh beh , Ca Abe ah, Conrvintiug hu plt { fa ht fotirnniey Lobe dala frau tue patos an Miatuted, 3. the wtrAclalian. of gtuss for Autince wi Me toe wih _2eues fer faltegerieity x tie parasie offm Fler ''* ee eee Re aE ARETE: ER Ca rege eae! a nine eget ee: earn en att Ottawa 7108 Bow bay F, F Race a2 S R R IS3R : KIS Raw on R S R . waR : sas SARC ae, Se A SC AN ERR F, R R | — RE TR Fz lor @: 32S 1OoS R: 2S ~~ IL — S = susceblible = aggig tant — = no data. dhe Ff, Stspegelion Aalios thaw that wtltrockon af host Grd nts Cortrollid by a Gringlt Gare tr emth Cird thal vt WHinrcau, dinatincmt bh donwirart ar. Me pathoger Aud Ntsshaude th dmuvact our fhe teost Hr hts fublitud dele ter.trnuiy a Andrus Guts aud gut aco 1a. Au fu ait{lau 6 satiflianns © tha gtus for gun t,po thesis L bracts wn a nmogeuse Attihtant tes ALG ir. vag Men prthiece of. he eerie alte lis ak fan neti MC ta the frotfirgls- (my A. Veasgedewin Gx wt Ag tf rod Pi aae Foi tl weg Me lertl REA BEE A thin ED ba te Salcet tt eg he etd cI frolhorge..- | bm pha tot, of Gut crmupli teuld be difficult 4 AbNininale fran ChAnW AME of Tato 04 neoll ih. hightly Muh Gusts Ofpartuth, WKylegaliigas Gtigl gts. he Flor (l%) et tn plth Whi, wigtl bE AAnhLE as retpilaan Lyfe 2. Thus ta A Ge 3, Mt Chote blwlt “ace 22 avd heart dy , Abatho. ar. He verdes Kluge aud Pole Mt Cunped WAA whtiled aha wel ln Mihe monn Ma dhru partutot Aut Aarce tach how Yh But Attache. on Me two vores. Shur hole, were sasreptible ty 3a haul bod were Awdslaw st 6 aud ah. She orclinrce fr Mt fect Wat tin two vorutis do ww fect Coutac- Aiffor+ gus tes uw thir ase 4 dffrwwtil olin, Ages. Fir cortluidts that Mt tivo polhogevtt, guts ant Kigtlh, tinted. It ts of wilrest Wn Mia eornectan 4 nok that Gaal Flor hoyords the Athlone gor un Mit Nese seis ty Kh Ulhtrs Licked ar allelomofotece - AW wr te Aut it fas nol tt posible 4 Attwrbing Mt snk A farted £ onelude | am Mtlrnorfaic rtlelen bist Ahn. teow Uf he, OCEUMLUM Of yetmultuout LG pes. bn Mbt Sue fiftr & & Suntan Aangls Kwoling Mt tui wttilanee Of Aachen. a le thu. tumogiuce Mershint Weuelits Hhenrotiusk , Ueyssincnn aud hema fin the Ty 0G Nae 2d, « Aner a4. hn Lhe Chovk of 1\ace BK tomde Aste 6 wes forns 0 Ailoyygous fo & Wrultuer on Minoliseh . Mwwer we Lo Case whee th F, wet ltesygqus for thttetena shulect gr Wnoliush dh Fa yagregolio. a the tru varietus Bhatt wrt wbintauce. Agacn Flor Coucludts thal pra lorgern Lig a swugle gous an Mt bons of Me aifferrtal Atackeanrs of Mary Simvainn ant heovra 46 ofan Aarts. We tne Atk awe), GULE AN Lightly Muhed 1 Alidlerubpbicc - Whih + aw posible 6 fresote thal sud cases Of anit cnhtritie are Governed by ‘made’ gruss wheel Conk the foptrtes of other gua ¢ b fim » b AegQd Mite tAhuuflih Ab cash of Light trvhage It wittlld oe of otal wudnt B sa fe what crltrt Mis Corskage tau pers Attenbanctinn 1% Me but rd whether if fofuser ts a teh Mowards Me byunthits ch a fuptr geuc thtubyarce ta isis CA bnalar Wut ce ellis creeers Fb Maculicrca 4 A Mut aa Bubjsiguterl Crises atl oa Hiiaking Caan, & asy wclid thas te wihoge tbehntn furlhoge ty Gls tn tht Aust Gta btyord the Lin iiage Garde fe (DE mn 08 na Me hed | Shirt sweccki—tteme 9 Wen Ub wider whith Kghl BR wtfprtld aa enctflio. type bn Wi, Caye whore NM Mn ane priliipgiiitt, York Bdgrreetis wr AMelio. ba Altifars Varel, Fuck a weet, fe tan 4 tn 6 baw a bone iparsteis ainrhtr Of Abscstautl gerertin Koss wi, sesetfecble Varie Lies. | Fons” post Aeaul approacr 8 te flrblan Of finsolozic sperratisalonr c& hing We Muthens oo mrorogerx Assistant vertis. His lalut fublicatn. Mists the Acatlhors of flax duet Aaets on Mf huis ,/7 Of iw Bh LOAAR 4 a fiaglt gow fer ADDR ce. Tht Stith of lhe guts wat dirgued 0 bauble foettalt difftrirtalinr of tha “et Nguifctaut Met Ausrun, Atl ARLES, At the pitbull Lue the lence fer a Girt fer - gens Atbetoautlip | un flea Aut a Mined on tatint sr dots haritutn for a usefal wertiving Ag hOcMs - (enamel Alpe NO a 4 HWFlt (lo) Flushes of frathogtuicih, u. Nelewpiou den J.Ag. Kits. 73: 335-387 2. (4%) bhoulance of Asatlinn Me Awet vr flax . J.Ag. Res. 7y 2 ayl-262 3. on (1454) Nderntifin ater af races of flax ct ty tones lh Sun glt Audt ba dit ion vig gee. USDA. Yeen. Butt 1087 ,259 Cus).