February 6 1957 Dear Josh and Esther, Sue and I were very pleased to have your card at Christmas, and confirmation of the rumour that you will be over here soon. We would be delighted to have you visit us and we can easily sleep you if you can spend more than just a day with us. Lewis is looking forward to your visit too. If you can come out to John Innes we would be pleased if you could give a seminar to the staff and some visitors. We could also have another get together at our home in the evening if you are agreeable. Lewis is leaving us in September to go to University College, London as Professor of Botany. As you can imagine there is plenty of speculation on his successor. Lewis and I are getting our teeth into Coprinces[?]. Our mutant [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] factory is turning out some useful markers including a pink fluorescent mutant which we are just testing for segregation. In addition I have a dicaryan stock which produces fairly regularly 5 spored 'tetrads'--about 1-5 %. There are also 2,3 and 6 spored 'tetrads' at lower frequencies. Unfortunately (or expectedly) germination is poor and I have yet to get a complete 5 (out of 20 isolated). It seems an interesting quirk and worth elucidating. More about Coprinces[?] when I see you. We hope you are both well. Please give our regards to Bob and Marie. Hoping to see you both before long. With best wishes Sincerely, Peter