24 Glenway Street Madison, Wis, 53705 April 6, 1964 Dear Esther, We are all eagerly awaiting July first, and our arrival in Stanford, When I say "all", I am not sure exactly who I mean, since there remains some uncertainty about just how many of us are making the trip. Frank does not plan to be with us; Catherine definitely will be; and Laura's plans are up in the air. I have written the housing bureau at Stanford today to ask for any listings that they may have, and I gave your name (and the Retherfords') as references, If you happen to hear of anything which is not listed, you might let me know, I have asked for only two bedrooms, Just after Jim returned from his post- Christmas visit to you, we bought you a hostess gift which I may yet succeed in mailing to you before we arrive in person! At the moment Catherine is preparing to Sing the role of Fiona in the West High production of Brigadoon, and Laura is rehearsing for the Madison Theater Cuild production of Kismet. Frank is finishing his junicr year in college and hopes to have a job with the National Parks this summer. With luck, Jim may be relieved of his medical deanship by summer, Keep your fingers crossed, We will definitely be coming to Stanford, no matter what. Until July FirSteseceoees Yours truly, (Lvs PAV)