January 8, 1963 Or. Wilson S. Stone Genetics Foundation Box 7797, University Station The University of Texas Austin 12, Texas Dear Wilson: My plans are a bit of a mess right now. 1 am still expecting to spend the fall term and perhaps the summer with Lederberg at Stanford. But there Is one complication; § am now acting as Dean of the Medical School. There is a good chance of our having a permanent Dean by the beginning of summer, In which case | would got there then. But, If the search Is not successful, § may have to stay on longer. 1 haven't had a chance yet to read Bledsoe's papers. { would be glad to work some with him when | get to Stanford, though of course | don't want to have too many things to detract from my working with Josh. 1 don't know how to advise you or him; the chances of my belng in Stanford for the fal) term at least are very good, but the probability Is not 1. Hurrledly, James F. Crow. JFC/as cc: Or. Lederberg NO Al ay)