THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Department of Medical Genetics 185 Medical Sciences Building MADISON 6, WIS. April 27, 1962 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford Univ. Medical Center Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: Kimura and I have reached a decision, which is to stay here. There are several reasons. One is my schedule -- I want to be here when we move into the new lab. Secondly it would be better for Kimura and me to finish the job we started on, rather than go to Stanford where | would inevitably get mixed up in other things (not that | don't have distractions here!). But most important, when | go there | want to be free to start off on something appropriate to your laboratory. We would like to see Bodmer; perhaps he could start east a few weeks early and stop here. os L The continuation of the genetics study at ABCC is a matter of debate and discussion now. The BEAR committee was asked to make suggestions as to whether the study should continue longer. I think they (Dunham et al.) have in mind particularly a study tooking for radiation effects in the second generation, which surely wouldn't be very promising. But ! think Neel has many more things than this in view. A number of by-products have already emerged from ABCC studies, the acatalasemia study for example. (27 9 AO Please look over the ABCC as carefully as you have time for. J am empowered to appoint a committee to recommend what to do with the genetics study in Japan. If am planning to ask Sturtevant, Stern, and Neel to do this. We will welcome your comments. | hope you are enjoying Japan. For me it was a wonderful experience. As always, om James F. Crow JFC/ea