April 27, 196 Mr. Frederick H. Murphy Holden-Day, Inc. 728 Montgomery Street San Francisco 11, California Dear Mr. Murphy: | have given the matter considerable thought and have decided not to accept your Invitation to join Holden-Day as consulting editor for your series In Molecular Biology. During Dr. Lederberg's recent visit here | discussed the question with him and the opportunity Is Indeed inviting. However, | have decided not to get Into any more activities at this time. It is simply a matter of believing that # have already essayed to do more than | am able to do well. t reallze that this would not be a large time commitment, but at present |} would hate to take on another 10 seconds! Thank you for sending the copy of the Methodology in Human Genetics. ft is a good start. Sincerely, James F. Crow JFC/ea cc: Or. Lederberg ed 5 ~~