[BEGIN TYPEWRITTEN SECTION] February 9, 1962 Dear Josh: How much difference would it make to you if I make my trip to Stanford starting in June 1963 rather than February? There are several reasons why that would be more convenient for me. The plan would be to stay from June through December or January and return in time for the beginning of the second semester here. It was good to see you again at the Macy conference. I was reminded of it in the correction of the proofs. How horrible one's language looks when written approximately verbatim! I see you joined the Quadri-Science group.* Sincerely, Jim [END TYPEWRITTEN SECTION] [BEGIN HANDWRITTEN SECTION] Dear Jim--Of course, as you say, but I would have felt the sooner the better. We would be more than pleased to have you any time you say. Best of all would be all of '63 but of course I'm not really that hopeful! As Harry Waisman may confirm, I hope to be able to see you March 9-10. Will you be here? Joshua *Yes, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed, especially since that lousy brochure!