THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Department of Medical Genetics 185 Medical Sciences Building MADISON 6, WIS. N July 3, 19 Dear Josh -- | am very eager to spend a period of 6-12 months at Stanford in the near future, but as | told you on the phone would rather wait a year or more. My current project with Kimura will take perhaps 18 months, possibly less. if 1 come to Stanford | would like to do something quite different From what I've been doing, perhaps something related to your research program? | would be géad to give lectures, of course. Let me keep this in the back of my mind for the next year and get in touch with you later. Perhaps we could arrange something for the spring of 1963. The Medical School is still in a stew. John Bowers resigned, then withdrew his resignation just as the administration was about prepared to accept it. A substantial faculty fraction would like @o see him go, but a smaller and equally vocal group believe he is an absolute necessity. He has made far too many mistakes, many of them small but cumulatively such as to antagonize a large number of people. But he certainly has started things moving here and | hope he can work it out. Will you be at the Genetics Society meetings at Purdue or the Macy Conference? Best wishes to Esther and yourself. Sincerely, eon / U