CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM 5241 BROAD BRANCH ROAD, N. W. WASHINGTON 15, D. C. TELEPHONE: WOODLEY 6-0863 February 4, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Medical Genetics School of Medicine Genetics Building The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisc. Dear Joshua, Many thanks for your letter. It looks like we'll have to get busy or the dog will be splattered all over the moon before we have time to get together. The best time for me would be the last week in February and I'll arrange things accordingly unless I hear to the contrary from you. I've talked to Graham DuShane, Editor of Science, and he says he would publish such an article as the one we've discussed. Merle Tuve thinks that such a publication would be very good and effective. I will get on the homework and references after I get back from Boston. Leaving tonight and will be home again Saturday. Will write after I return. Sending under separate cover annual reports you asked for. See you soon. In anticipation, Dean B. Cowie Dear Dean: The last week in February is fine. I've written to the members of the Council of the NAS; judging from replies from at least three members, the matter will be taken up quite seriously at a meeting this weekend, You will possibly hear about any conclusions before I do, but I will keep you informed, None of this should diminish the incentive for our joint article, of course, The times must be changing: since Explorer went up, the whole business has been taken very seriously by everyone I've talked to, The next concern is wham how to approach the Russians on a nonpolitical basis, Thanx very much for the repprts, Thwy will be very useful,