THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Department of Medical Genetics 185 Medical Sciences Building MADISON 6, WIS. July 25, 1960 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: Garrod's classical book if it is not outlandishly expensive. | think | would be interested in obtaining a copy of (Perbof ongeret Let me know some time what the cost would be. Are you going to accept Hardin Jones' invitation to S attend the Conference on Aging? ! would enjoy going, except for two reasons. One is that | don't know anything about yw aging and have practically nothing to contribute to such a conference. The second is that | have gotten involved with quite a number of other activities and have been trying to cut down rather than add. However, if you and a few other people of interest were planning to attend, I might take a different view of this, for | would like an opportunity to participate in a conference at which you and such people as Kim Atwood would be present. Let me know some time what your plans are. Things are moving along fairly smoothly here. The biggest difficulties are purely physical. We still haven't got the building entirely finished, though most of it is, and we are now moved into it for the most part. | just read your Nobel paper for the second time and enjoyed it even more than the first. My earlier comment about the word ingeneous was based on a difference between the Science article and the Nobel Prize article. 1 know which one you meant. Best wishes. Sincerely, - ames F. Crow JFC/ew Answered personally 8-17. No cc jh ros * °