THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Department of Medical Genetics Genetics Building MADISON 6, WIS. May 7, 1960 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: | too was rather surprized and annoyed at the restrictions placed by the McGraw-Hill Book Company on the television film. However, after some discussion with them and with Herskowitz | signed it anyhow. They said that any previous commitment | had made in connection with the other film was notgin direct competition to this. In fact it is not; they are at ey quite different levels. You might be interested in knowing that Tracy Sonneborn simply refused to sign the contract, he tells me. Apparently this was deemed satisfactory or else the whole matter was dropped. {I'm not sure exactly what he did but perhaps you would like to correspond with him directly. If 1 had known then what | do now | would have raised objections too, and perhaps the three of us could have made some considerable impact. 1 too am through with making television appearances. The other film is going to be shown some- time next fall. | have long since lost any interest in it but the mechan- ical parts of it are still going ahead. {t is not likely that ! will be going to Los Angeles or anywhere else with this. We are still not moved into the quarters that you were supposed to move into but still expect to momentarily. Otherwise things are going along very nicely and we are very happy with Ernst Freese. {| do want to see both of you very much and | am sure there will be a chance one way or the other soon. Best wishes. Sincerely, Lon “ James F. Crow JFC/bs