March 12, 1959 Dr. James F. Crow Department of Genetics University of Wésconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Jim: | am terribly sorry and somewhat embarrassed that | couldn't help you out on the Pontecorvo question but I'm afraid the traumatic experiences of the last year have ejected most of my recollections on the Symposium. {| should have thought that there would have been some kind of notation in the card File on the Symposium members which would refer to the receipt of the manuscript but | assume that Evelyn would know as much about this as could be known. | am writing to ask you whether there happens to be a cardboard drum of N-Z Casee still Sitting in the cold room. We had Intended to take this along as the material would be of very doubtful value to anyone else but it has not shown up here and it may have been left in the cold room. If it is there, might 1! ask you to have it shipped out to us Express collect? 1 would not have bothered for this item alone but if you are making that shipment, | wonder if it would be convenient for you also to send us the Technicon pipette washer which may still be sitting in the main sink. This would be on the presumption that no one else is using it in the laboratory. | Suspect this is right and | also think that it is in suf- ficiently dilapidated shape now that anyone new you get in would prefer to get a new washer. But use your own judgment about this item. Enclosed is a letter from Luria in which | would think that you and the Genetics Department at Wisconsin might have some interest although it is ofccosese, stil! on a personal and informal basis. !f you have any thoughts on the matter ! suggest you do communicate them directly to Luria. While | don't believe anyone at Wisconsin has had @ very intimate association with Cold Spring Harbor as such, | am sure that as Geneticists we would all be interested in its future welfare. Ew bus fie Yours as ever, Joshua Lederberg