THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Madison 6 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS March 19, 1957 Dear Esther and Josh, You have had a flood of mail, but none of it appears to me to require your immediate attention. I did give your itinerary to two people, G. Le Cantoni (who wants you to give a series of lectures in Bethesda) and George Kleine Klein's letter was very interesting and I couldn't resist reading it several times. For one thing he wants you to help him organise a program on transformation, transduction, ami recombination for the International Congress of Microbiology in Stockholm in 1958, and of course to attend. The other point is that his mtation detecting system described in Nature a few months back (1.6. gmumimg transplanting heterozygous tumors to parental hosts to give a selective advantage to mutants making the tumor homozygous) has worked 5 times, all to H~2 though with none to H-2%, Bowers told me that the applicstion for a symposium in medical genetics has been approved by the granting agencys We had an excellent talk and exciting discussion with Medawar. I'11 tell you the details when you come backe Enclosed is a cony of the action taken by the Department last week. Ve are having a meeting tomorrow for further discussion. Nothing else has happened to my knowledge. I hope you are having some relaxation. Rega “ds to you both. Sincere y,