Wed. 21 May-58 Dear Josh, Thanks for keeping me posted. So far I have avoided notoriety. But I am anxious to know what is going on and appreciate hearing from you. Merle Tuve wanted the Dept. of Terrestrial Magnetism on the paper. More copies coming by slow freight. The manuscript has been sent in but Grobson[?] Du Shane is away at the moment. Will let you know what happens. Where can I get a copy of the Russian Sympos. On Origin of Life? If I can borrow yours I can get it duplicated. I don't want to get any Moondust via the Air Force. I agree that the best way is [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] through NSF etc. Then perhaps Ill [sic] be interested. I like our "Pacific Isle" Test much better for the moment See you soon Regards, Dean