* + AV « + SO ed BERT . The Australian National University ea | CANBERRA — OF ; | e . ‘ ye. THE JOHN CURTIN SCHOOL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY TELEPHONE: i: re Box 4, GP.0., CANBERRA, A.C.T. @nd April, 1955. X Dr. J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S. A, ‘ae Sor Dear Dr. Lederberg, I will be making « very rushed trip seress U.S.A, from the West in late May and early June, on my way to _ the Cold Spring Harbour Symposium on Viruses on June Sth - lith I am anxious to meet you and will' deflect my trip to spend a day or so in Wisconsin if you are likely to be in, and free, between Monday - June ist and Wednesday - June Srd, If you are attending the Cold Spring Harbour Symposium I expect I shall see you there. I would be glad to hear what arrangements might be convenient for yous Yours sincerely, - (Frank Fenner), Professor of Microbiology.