STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS pit School of Medicine i May 27, 1959 Dear Josh, Dr. Rickenberg called yesterday to adk whether | would be interested in going to Seattle ''for a month or so’! regarding the Lac problem. | told him this depended upon you. His hypothesis is that the same enzyme is resppnsible for the two functions, penetration and transglycosidation of lactose. He is interested in obtaining genetic evidence on this point to compare with the biochemical data he is accumulating. | am not too clear what aspect of the genetic analysis would most immediately interest him, or why Seattle is the preferred site for this activity. Under the circumstances, the linear arrangement of permease mutations in relation to B-galactosidase mutations, and cistronic relationships of the two types would probably be most pertinent. | think you are aware of the present status of the work and its attendant défficulties. | am not sure that he is. He apparently had funds available for the summer, or a portion thereof. When | told him the summer was allocated he suggested the fall quarter (or part of it) if funds can be found. | should have gotten more detailed information regarding the intended experimental approaches to the problem, but 1 thought it important to get your initial reaction to the proposal before pursuing the matter further. Huu