NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION WASHINGTON 25, D. C. January 28, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Medical Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I appreciate your sharing with me your worries with respect to the microbiological contamination of the moon surface if man persists in his success in launching vehicles to outer space, I would suggest that either you, or preferably the Society of Microbiologists, should get up a letter, patterned after your mimeogranhed sheet to the follow- ing individuals: Lloyd Berkner, Vice-Chairman of the International Geophysical Year; Alan T. waterman, Director, National Science Foundation; Detlev Bronk, Fresident, National Academy of Sciences, and Chairman, National Science Board; James Killian, Chairman, Science Advisory Committee; Wallace Brode, Office of the Science Advisor, State Department; the Fresident of the International Union of Biological Sciences and the corresponding chairman of the microbiological subunit, I believe with you that the problem you raise is of sufficient importance that you and your professional group should bring the issues to the attention of those individuals listed above, Sincerely yours, William V. Consolazio Program Director Molecular Biology