x : Lk a WASHINGTON [SSI] UNIVERSITY Ce I ST. LOUIS 30, MISSOURI PLANNING COUNCIL FOR BIOLOGY August 7, 1962 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Joshua: Washington University has decided to undertake a study of recent trends in the biological and related sciences in order to evolve plans for the future development of the University's academic program in biology. The considerations which have prompted this decision are described briefly in the enclosed statement. For this purpose the University has established a Planning Council for Biology. As indicated in the enclosed statement it will be an im- portant part of the Council's work to stimulate discussion of problems relevant to the future development of biology among the faculty. To this end we are inviting a number of leading investigators to visit the University in order to lecture on their views of these problems, and to discuss the matter more informally with the Council. I am writing to invite you to visit us for this purpose. At a minimum we hope that you could spend enough time with us to permit an afternoon lecture and an informal discussion in the evening. A longer visit that would provide an opportunity for more leisurely and detailed discussions would be welcomed. We should be happy to have you visit us at any time between October 1962 and May 1963 that is most convenient to you, but other things being equal would prefer the first half of this period. The University will provide for all travel expenses and an hon- orarium of $300. The members of the Council are quite eager to discuss these matters with you for we are aware that you have given them considerable thought and deeply appreciate their importance. I know that this invitation only adds to your problem of finding time to stay home and work. How- ever, it is not offered casually; we are acutely aware of the urgency of planning effectively for the future development of academic programs in biology, and know that your particular views of the issues must be seriously weighed in our judgments. I hope that you will accept. With all good wishes, Sincerely yours, Barry Commoner Chairman Ene Air Mail