| ge De Meluve Cole: THE SALK INSTITUTE FOR BIOLOGICAL STUDIES POST OFFICE BOX 9499, SAN DIEGO 9, CALIFORNIA APR 6 1964 April 2, 1964. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University, School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California. 7 _ Dear Josh: S io 202] In all of the excitement of my visit to Stanford, |! forgot to ask you if | may have the strain of B.subtli#s used by you for transformation. We have been carrying out experiments fn which we tried to transform animal cells with nucleic acid derived from immunized animals. Our results have been pluseminus for some time, making us continue in a tantalizing fashion. Since some- body in Germany is supposed to have put vaccinia virus into subtligs, | am encouraged to try to transform subtli¢s with animal nucleic acid. 1 would appreciate it if I could have the strain as well as a collection of your reprints on the transformation so that | may choose the best conditions. 1! know that this is a swift pain to send out strains but | really have kept my requests to a minimum. It was very nice seeing you last week, and we hope to arrange for you to spend some time here with us. Best, Mee Mel lL 40 D