November 6, 1958 Or. Melvin Cohn Department of Microbielogy Washington University School of Medicine Euclid Avenue and Kingshi ghway Saint Louis, Missouri Dear Me': Thank yeu very much for your letter of November 4th. 1 could net help but be puzzled by the discrepency between Harry Eagle's account of him and what | had deard through Art. On the basis of the hour or two of personal contact | had with him and your last letter 1 would be inclined to go ahead on a strictly probationary basis because it seems to me that he has a scientific experience that is going to be very difficult to match anywhere else. This has not gone very far Just yet and what | had In mind was to approach him with the possibility of an instructorship in genetics at Stanford. | definitely would not want to go ahead with this if there were a serious prospect that he would be unable to get along with you in particular and if you have enough doubts on this point that you would want to discourage even a probationary arrangement | will drop the matter forthwith. | am waiting to hear a little bit more about him from Harry and expect that the time would be ripe for direct approach in a week or perhaps two weeks. So if I am taking too optimistic a view of the situation please let me know right away. | should also mention that Henry Kaplan is very much interested in Herzenberg too but feels that from his own point of view he might be better off in a basic science where, if he has the stuff, he would have somewhat better chances of advancement. Since you have had three months contact with him | just have to rely on your Judgment of these personal factors although | realise how awkward it may be to have to accept such a responsibility. | do wonder however if it would be possible to get any deeper insight into his capabilities by any measure short of having him come out, let's say for a year on a basis like an instructorship or research associatship. If 1 don't hear from you within the next several days or week | will just assume that | have correctly construed the intent of your letter for which thanks very much. Yours sincerely,