Saturday 25 July Dear Josh; Thanks for yours of the 19th. Stanford is certainly showing great good sense and I wish you every pleasure and success there. In this event Wisconsin is out for me and if your move is public knowledge I will write to Nathan Smith accordingly. I won't do so, however, without hearing from you whether or not the information is still confidential. He indicated in June that there was no need for haste in coming to a decision. Its [sic] really no surprise to me that I'm not the choice for a pediatrician at Stanford. I'll be most interested to know who the man is though, and doubtless the scuttlebutt will have reached Baltimore when I get back there next week. After leaving Madison I had a talk with my chief, and though he and I are fast friends and I am persona grata in the department, I suspect that for a number of reason the likelihood of my ever developing much of a program in genetics at Hopkins is not very great. So I'm not averse to moving, and the thought of an association with you at Stanford is a very exciting one. I hope something can be worked out. Thanks so much for the reprints. They make for fascinating "hammock" reading, which is more than I can say for nearly [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] all the scientific publications of the moment. Martha's vineyard is too relaxing and pleasant to waste the time reading anything less than superior. Hoping to be in touch with you. Yours very truly, Barton