spatiok Un Cygpal lon ISTITUTO DI GENETICA MEDICA hi DELL’UNIVERSITA VIA CHERASCO 15 — TORINO Milan, 5 November 1959. Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford -— Calif. Dear Joshua, I must thank you for the very useful informations about spacial contamination. As you requested I have not quoted you directly. The subject is very interesting, but after having read for the first time some books on astrophysics, I have reached the conclusion that the problem of life is after all rather trivial in comparison with the real question : what is the Universe. Your sentence "L'asportazione dei cervelli é@ sempre controproducente" is becoming famous and has been quoted by a number of newspapers which are campaining for the necessi- ty of improuving scientific education in Italy. Unfortunate- ly that is not the opinion of the "barons" of our Universities and in the concerso hor the chairs of Genetics, only Luca has good chances of 3; the other two winners shall be old- timer ignorabimus. Knowing our Universities that is a great success (i.e. that at least, they do not dare to refuse Inca). Please present our best regards to Esther. Thank you again. Sincerely yours fogpr