Prof. Dott. RUGGERO CEPPELLINI Milane Via Bianca di Savoia, 26 - Tel. 84 83 244 Milen, 31 January 1561. Prof. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto. Calif. Dear Joshua, iuca has told me of your telephone call. I am very grateful that you and Halsted are considering the oppor- tunity of offering me a position in your University. I have still the ambition of taking an active, al- though modest part, to the next advances of medical re- search and Stanford would certainly be the ideal place for that. Here on the contrary I must wait two-three (or more) years before minimal research facilities will become painfully available. Of course the decision of lea ving Italy for ever is not an easy one to taken. As I have written to Halsted, I plan to come to the States not later than May 4th, because I want to keep the validity of my immigrant visa. If the decisions of you and your collegues should develope favourably, I could extend my journey to the West Coast. Best regards to Esther. Sincerely yours wy