New York Oct 3 1957 Dear Joshua, I read today your letter dated April 29. I think Jaheady answered to a shorter note from you which I received in MiCario some time ago. Anihow [sic] I reiterate my acceptance of your kind invitation. I understand what you suggest and I completely agree: I shall give a review of the latest developments in Blood groups, chiefly interaction between Rh alleles (position effect?), somewhat unexpected alleles at other loci (4 at the Kell locus!), Tj-p-P series, and of course the X-x S-s L-l ABO physiologically interacting systems which affect both enytrocyte and soluble antigens. O.K.? The only trouble is that maybe in winter-early spring I shall be obliged to go back to Italy for lecturing in Torino where [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] I have obtained the temporary professorship in Medical Genetics.* In effect I can not let go the Italian job until I am not quite sure of finding something better in U.S.A. And here at Columbia the future looks hopeless. Let me know if you are aware of any job which could suit me. I shall come to hear your Harvey lecture in December and shall be glad if you will be able to spare[?] some of your New York time for a talk with me. Looking forward for meeting you soon Sincerely yours Ruggero *But I hope to be back in the States from April to November 1958, if I an arrange to work outside this cemeterial place