COPY THE JOURNAL OF GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY The Lister Institute, Elstree, Hertfordshire. 12th August, 1952. Dr. W. Hayes, Department of Bacteriology, Postgraduate Medical School, Du Cane Road, W.12. ‘ Dear Dr. Hayes, I am sending you herewith the paper by Cavalli and Lederberg. This, we feel, is a work of fundamental importance though, of course, opinions as to interpretation will differ. The trouble is that the paper is presented (avart from the English which obviously needs corrections), in such a non- systematic way that reading is very difficult. There is far too much non-essential details and references to other problems, ete. Further, it is on the basis of Table 2 that the reader must weigh the claim that the F+ parent contributes less than the F- parent, but this table is virtually incomprehensible and can only be understood by repeated references to the text. The trouble is this paper not only needs rewriting, it needs replanning. I shall rely on you to do as mich as you possibly can and take the paper out with you to dise iss with Cavalli. Let me have it back as near September 17th as you possibly can in a form more or less ready for the press. I shall then do the final editing and will war the Cambridge University Press that this paper will arive late, as I want to get this paper and your paper into the next number side by side. Yours sincerely, A.F.B. Standfast (Signed) On behalf of the Editorial Board.