POTTTUTO OPERUTERAPIOD MILAN ESE “SEAAFINO GELFANTI” ENTE MORALE AGGREGATO ALLA @NIVERSIFA DI MILANO MILANO - VIA DARWIN, 20 TELEF. 30640-30677-31757 -32823 -33917 TELEGR.: ISIEROTERAPIGO: - MILANO U.P. I, G. MILANO N. 48709 Direzione Scientifica Milano,..8/.7/ 52.000... Dear Joshua, I am enclosing the manuscript for JGu.Abundant margins were left for corrections,hoping that they will be enough,so as to avoid you the trouble of retyping.There probably is in the paper more stuff than we may want to sendto the press; lenghty introduc- tions were,however,deaagned to let microbiologists who are not genetically trained undessgtand something of the whole.Several hyphens may pretty well be abolished. As to English form,you may be confronted with the baternative of translating the whole into American,which is, I am told, a language admitted for publication on English journals,or accept the present Anglo-Italian formsperhaps you wil) fipd,a suitable compromise,so as not to irritate the saitondt (Peay seen wep eee oe your acknowledgments, but the present typescript is certainly not the final one,so you can just add them on a separate sheet and I shall have the whole retyped in order with your corrections and additions,hoping to let the Editor have the final typescript for the middle of the monthy I have no acknowledgements to make,and Serafino Belfanti shoudd/better be added . Perhaps the sentence "(with which we concur}@ related to Hayes's streptomycin resistant gametes may be omifxted,as I have some not yet fully verified doubts about it. Re tn Gun Rey tc7~ Hayes's results puzgled me aw great deal. I have recon- trolled older data using a veriety--of collodion filters:those with 0.74 fp APD give turbid filtrates;lower APD gives sterile filtrates and negative results.YGu may prefer to attenuate statements about cell-to-cell infection, however. Penso did not deserve a batter reply,if he did not offer financial help for you to attend the symposium on actinomycetes.The Microbiology congress is out of my control at present,as well as out of control of reliable people. Invitations for papers to the Genetics Congress will be out in September,and the chance of your inclusion is about 90%, I am enclosing also copy of a paper communicated to the Utalian Microbiology congress in April .Any alterations dhat you may like me to carry on it should reach me as soon asx possible.I had forgotten about sending it to you before - it was a matter of no great concern. . Re NTCC 122,it is a curga@¥s story. Weigle-whom I do not know personally,asked me 123 as lambda indicator. I Was not sati- sfied about the culture of this strain which|[had in my hands,as it did not cross,at that time, with K-12,and suggested t# him to write to NTCC and get it directly. Odd enough, NTCC sent strain 122, Whisk apparently because they had lost 123,and 122 proved lambda susceptible in-Weigle's hands. I asked him a subculture,which I “found to be he edd oe eee URIs ahtes at a very low rate, with K-12, The yield of pecombinants Was low enough to discourage Purther research on ny side. The whole story seems absurd!. (Our cytology is not progressing fast. My ambition would be that of having a film made out of the Emrretxixe conjugation-copu- lation buginess,but Hfr and F-~ seem to conduct their love affairs far too secretly. - ~ eS / | Thank you for your J,Bact abstract,and forithe cultures eent on May 23,which arrived yesterday,They are béing isolated, because customs officers have pushed ‘their official, curioaity tq ‘unscrewing all the bottles. Se . nO - Summer is humid and hot here too; besidesy, we are experiencing an airborne: contamination due to molds growing rapidly on minimal which spoils most experiments. We shall have to stov work and disin-— fect from top to bottom. Unfortunately I have no sterile boxes. I shall be in Paris from the 2cth/5 the lst of August or later. The Institute remains my best summer address, What bbout your address? Yours sincerely / :