3/4/52 Dr.W. Hayes Fostgraduate Medical School Ducane Rq. London W.12 Dear hayss, The Lederbergs and I have agreed to write join- tly «bout our observations on tue transmission of Fe, the fertia lity factor, and since some of our observations, at least tose on genetic infection,are so close to yours, we thought that it might be reasonable to publish auch a paper on the Journal of General Microbiology , possibly in the same issue in which your paper on the same subject wil: appear - I hope I understood cor~- reetly when you said you would send a paper to this journal, I am nyself a member of the Tociety of General Microbiology,and I hope we shail huve the paper accepted. If you think tis suits you,we may perhans send botn a word to the editors about it. TI expect our paper may be ready by tne end of this month. 48 you know,both Lederberg and I cannot agree to the idea cf a “self-reproducing gamete" ,which seems to obscure rather tnan to enlighten the picture,and it may be worth expres sigg our views on this in the paper. I eam telling you this,also on agrfement with Lederberg, because you m gnt like to take this opportunity to clarify your own views on the matter on the JGM paper, I have tried to express to you my ideas in London,but the time hus been unfortunately short, and the discussion took place mosil; aftcr a good meal . However, should you like to have fure ther exchange of ideas and comzents on the subject, T should be quite glad of dotng this by mail, I have not yet tried the sample o* DNA-ase which you kindly sent me,but nope to do so next week, with best regards to iirs. Hayes, Yours sincerely e/ to Lederbderg.