FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE WRSSISROLE ADE IN REPLYING, ADDRESS THE °UBLIC HEALTH SERVICE REFER TO: Tuberculosis Research Laboratory, 411 East 69th St., New York 21, N. ¥. April 16, 1952. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, The University of Wisconsin, College of Agriculture, Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Joshua: Thank you for your explanatory letter and also for sending the two cultures. Unfortunately W-1177 was not viable and I wonder whether you could send me another culture. I poured the contents of the tube into an NY culture tube and incubated it. Previously we treated the Salmonella cultures that Zinder sent us in the same fashion, and they grew out all right. I am looking forward to seeing what you find out with strains Klt-p and Klt-h2. One thing I noticed in testing them for their nutritional requirements was a some- what poorer growth at room temperature than the one we had observed originally. Sincerely yours, bens Werner K. Maas WKM/h1 PS. the wll ym G0 eblont~ eabiy fo Hh. offs Ff Me forge FWlk af We W shen ?