June 14, 1950 Dear Dr, Cavalli, or. .ederberg has shown me your recent letter and thought that 1 misne mention to you a similar experience with "pseudo- prototrophs, In a cross between two strains of 5. typhiemurium, both with double nutritional deficiencies (histidine, threonine by leusine, isoleucineevaline) there consistently arose numbers of small colonies that did not have any nutritional require- ments and yet did not atiain parental growth on a synthetic medium, Jeveral fermentative markers were added to these stocks and though both parental types were recovered, no recombinants were found, ihe story was complicated as both parents were lysoenic and mitually antagonistic with the resultant prototrophs badly plaqued and often completely lost on transfer to a synthetic medium, .he lysis would certainly afford opvortunity for mutual feeding, but alone it can not explain the pseudctrophic behavior of the offspring. 10 attempts were made at antigenic analysis although the parents were of different phases, however in light of your observation such might prove interesting. Yours truly, Yorton winder