FSTUTUTO SUERDTERAPICO MILANESE “SEPAFINO BELPANTD _ ; ENTE MORALE AGGREGATO ALLA UNIVERSITA DI MILANO MILANO - VIA DARWIN, 20 TELEF. 30640-30677 -31757 «32823-33017 TELEGR.: SIEROTERAPICO - MILANO U.P. Il. ©, MILANO N. 48709 Direzione Scientifica Dear Lederberg, Thank you for your letter and your offer to repu= blish the paper on chlorom:cetin resistance. I shall be of course very pleased,and have written to the editors of Nature about it. As you will see from the heading of this letter,I have left England. I have asked Professor Fisher a year of leave, but it is likely that I shall reestablish myself in this country. On bhhe whole I can get here better working conditions,especially more technical help than I had in Cambridge. All I had there was a fifteen years girl for the preparation of media ete. I shall certainly miss,on the other hand, Fisher4s great encouragement and friendship. I have been very interested to hear of your new fin= flings on the frequency of crossable strains . I often feal we still lack knowledge of conditions in which any strain can cross,but thot perhaps such conditions exist, So far,in trials ~ainly with bioche= mical mutants L have failedwif seven strains ( one Aerobacter, one Proteus, Shwe coli ) and miomeedn®. Wik none. At the rarvent T have left this type of research,and am sinply -byyins to Sring ‘he shloro= mycetin story ready*for full publication. I am enclosing a reprint of thr letter to Nature ; three more of the same will follow by ordina'y mail,together with reprints of an oldish italian paper,which war meant nerely Sex as | propaganda for sex among 1ocal bacteriologists (who proved more 3 Fesponsive than the British ones). Some time ago I tried to get some financial support for epending a summer in the States,but have been unsucoessful . I an thinking of trying with the Rockefeller ant Fulbright institutions but I should think it would be now for summer 1952. Yours sincerely Ganll J L.L.Cavalli Istituto Sieroterapico Mihanese Via Darwin 20 Milan, Italy