Narch 27, 1952 De. Verner Vo lane 4LL Bast & Strect New York 21, Me¥. Deer Voruer: Thanks very much for cenldag owt the Waloman strain enc the polyauxe- trephe. i've dens a few orecating testa wit, theiywith no vary conelusive reau.te. Firsts of cil, the Vaksuen oiradi io definttel; [4+ Cac ehowa hy transfer of the Fs agent to 2-12 tootura}. I thtuk that there can bs Little further . s 7 ed ey a dount that te “lo and “1b sevles ave dortved Pro. Vale. Tia Neko. strain ttcelf gave a negative rocult when teetedduich -1177 eto. on stroptonyed: idnies? agur: 2% would have been Paseod ovary An our routine SCTUURINEe progrict. sindlaviy, da accord with earlier records and remarks, I d@¢ not find evadence of crocclag cithsr between tho polysuiotroohs you previded, or betWeod tha wad any Y+1l soctene (P+ art P-). Nowver, I tave also gone back to n Pew oF tha cultwes labelled "14, fer exucpls "1+ ha-pl and Kit-Tri-h3, These gave very apcradie results with 12 teators, and altogether only a very few provowopyus were obtainad, so that I cannot go. ace $50 aku omphasis on any negetive sosults. Tho "storilc" M1-Qt h cteok uae given uc vrototrophs with Ked2 tauters, ail a very fos Cou wmicastel ty Wyakticant) wlth one or te non- Kel2 teaters. Tiave ceubinations are far too oterile to bo of any use as such for genetic atidies. All orocees vere done on winimc’ arar.iIn a few casos, the payents Weve grown tozethor. at 37°. There must he efmething that I'm overlooking, ant thnt vould make the situation more hopeful. I cothered that you have obtained substantial ylelds in crossse of f1t-- stocks X 58-161 and W677. Can you give me the deteaile of your experinents that right help me to do the rane? The pant cultures that IT now have are: Kit: h2thr; h2p2; h2oyet; har: hitr; telnt:p 44; pte; aot h2pl, Kl: h2j; QTpi QTh; k&pk; trl; h2args I haven't tried all of these by any means, and would appreofate any lead to help get them to croes with K12 testers. Ave you having any luck with pant mutants in F-127 Sincerely, Joehua Lederberg Asroc