JS PROF. T. CASPERSSON SCHEELEGATAN 17 May lst 1961 STOCKHOLM Kk TEL. 501061 Dear Joshua: At last I am back in Stockholm to stay there. I have been doing some thinking about an UMSP for very small objects, stimulated by our talks, your telephone call and to some extent annoyance over the new Russian "first", Enclosed I send a very crude plan for a possible way to try. If one really wants to get at particles of bacteria-size I feel one should carry a line incorporating refocusing at each wavelength and that is the central thing in the plan. It would be much nicer if one could work with truly achromatic lenses add thus work without refocusing - however I believe all existing lenses are not perfect enough for that and the chance for a new lens within a fww years is very slight indeed because of the enormous work needed for such a development, involving new lens materials and cemenrs. With this I mean that one should try to explore the existing lenses as far as possible - that is a rhing we can do and have started doing. In addition to that however I feel if it advisable to work on a refocusing system at the same time - because of the time limit. e enclosed plan is very crude and sa also the langauge ig not good. However, not k knowing ymuxx the extent of your interest I feel it might be permissible to send it in its present shape. Furthermore I expect Dr Loevinthat will come here next week. It would be nice to have a clear under- standing about what you would like us to do. At present I gather that we should take absorption spectra of different types of objects as discussed in Stanford and we are now to wait for some objects from you. In addition to that we shouladsftnd out how well achromatized the exxsting lenses are. We have just started to work witfh the 1.25 Zeissilens- but have no great expecta- , tions about &kx its achromatism below 26CC A, vi? This work is not very inspiring and invol€s_ fairly much technical work. It can be carried for a year with the organization we spoke of, of an half-time young academic assistant herefor which we have, as you know got about 25CC dollars from the Swed Nat. Sc.Research Council - plus measuring work by a highly qualified tech- nician. To some extent the latter can be made in our routine line. If the work has to be more productive 1/2 to 1 person should be put on that, what would mean 2500 - 5.500 dollars extra for a year, as I told you when you asked in Stanford. Of the plan enclosed we would only be willing to do the spade work - finding out . wage is feasible and the basic arrangemnts degen oM"Oscillating focusing" etc. That would include some work in workshop and some purchases amounting to perhaps an additional 2 O00 dollars, The physicists here would be glad to collaborate (in my institute) without any extra arrangements outside what could get into the budget mentioned above. You have to tell if you are interested and in which way. Else we do not do anvthineg. ft would be easy for me to find the money here, but I understand that you are not very enthusiastic about the then unaveidable opportunity for the press to see all papers and make private comments and specualations without asking me ~ the way they have already done once. If you should be interested in furnishing some funds at some time I epurigetso point out that if they are given as to the institute mexmaxinxtieee for-— a_piece—of-work I have to ask permission at the Department of Education to. receive it and then again the whole thing passes through a press office where anyone can read anything. If the grant were yours and we made agreement that £mx a lump sum , for which I am responsible, would cover the costs for #@.work here in Sweden, which we had agreed upon - then I cannot see that it would be necessary for me to @j——~> PROF. T. CASPERSSON SCHEELEGATAN 17 STOCKHOLM K TEL, 5010 61 ask for special permission and then it would only be a thing between the two of US. All this just to clarify the points about our official procedures and the relations to the press - we have, I am sorry to say - very few responsible science reporters in Sweden. With best personal regards I am yours Joby