INSTITUTIONEN FOR CELLFORSKNING MEDICINSKA NOBELINSTITUTET KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET Stockholm, March 29, .196l. STOCKHOLM 60 Telefon 23 54 80 INSTITUTE FOR CELL RESEARCH KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET STOCKHOLM 60 Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Medical Center Department of Genetics Palo Alto, California, USA Dear Joshua: Within a few days I will leave for Boston where I will stay towards the end of the month. My address there is Children’s Cancer Research Foundation, 35, Binney Street, Boston, May I trouble you to drop me a note or cable there if your plans about Stockholm should have changed, Now IJ have reservation which takes me back to Stockholm April the 22nd. If you should not come to Stockholm, I would, however, prefer to stay another week in Boston. With personal regards, Iam, Very sincerely yours, Torbjérn Caspersson