INST. FOR CELLFORSKNING OCH GENETIK MEDICINSKA NOBELINSTITUTET KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET toy August 17 1960 STOCKHOLM 60 (bos Len Augu ‘_ INST. FOR noite ns AND GENETICS o KAROJANSKA INSTITUTET /STOCKHOLM 60 Dear Dr Lederberg Thank you tor your letter of July 29 which just reached med in Boston, It would certainly have been nice it I could be of any use in connec tion with your project. 1 am sorry to say that my San Fransisco Stay Wibd, pots time be only bareiy one day x (September 2-5 Sandwiched in be twean a lecture in Pathalogy department of Dallas ana one in Tokio. »efore that 1 spend some days 1n Nat. Va.Inst,in sethesda next week, I am sorry that I did not get your letter a littLe earlier - 1n fact the Jokyo arrangemenis were made only a itew days ago but cannot be changed now. I will be back in this country again tor a short visit end ot February , but I guess that is date for you, With vest regards I an mes your 1 “On et _ a YD. L, Rowtes (Rodeleae Dp ~Stentucd )