Stockholm, October 31, 1958, iNST. FOR CELLFORSKNING OCH GENETIK MEDICINSKA NOBELINSTITUTET KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET STOCKHOLM 60 Telefon 23 54 80 INST, FOR CELL RESEARCH AND GENETICS KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET STOCKHOLM 60 Professor J. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin USA Dear Dr. Lederberg: May I congratulate you most cordially and heartily to the Nobel-prize, Iam glad to understand from the cables yesterday night that mrs. Lederberg will come with your to Stockholm. I hope. we may have a chance to see you at our home during the evening of December 9, the day before the ceremonial presentation of the prizes, You will meet a small group of your colleagues there, It will be my pleasant. duty at the Nobel-festival to give the formal presentation of your work and of that of your colleagues on behalf of the Nobel Foundation, If I can be of any use for you. with regard to information or advice. in advance, please do not hesitate to write me. November 7 - November 20 I will be in the U.S. but letters to Stockholm will be forwarded to me directly. With sincere regards, Iam, Very truly yours, T. Caspersson rms