TA & 7 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY LOS ANGELES 24, CALIFORNIA 2), March 1961 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics stanford Medical School Stanford University Stanford, California Lear Dr. Lederberg: Next September Mr. Ronald Sederoff will be enterins the first year medical class at Stanford. He has been working with me on the dumpy locus since September. I regret that I shall be losing him to medical school because I have confidence in his research interest and performance, Ron can work independently, think critically, and hes unbounded enthusiasm fcr research. Frequently he works et night and on weekends to meet the demands of the large numbers of flies which he has been counting for his pseu- doallelic ‘crosses, I hope that he will be able to take courses in genetics during his free time, and I have encouraged him to do so. If there are any opportunities for him to work in your laboratory with your associates, I would recommend him without any reservations and with highest enthusiasm, It is very likely that Ron will choose a career in research and any opportunities which you can offer to him or recommend to him would encourage this promise. Sincerely yours Lo lplor— Blof Carlson Assistant Professor of Zoology BAG: ep Bape he wolf ele art “ites be vreet od