UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY LOS ANGELES 24, CALIFORNIA 28 September 1960 Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: At the ATBS meetings in Oklahoma this August, several of Dr. H. J. Muller's students, colleagues, and friends met to discuss plans for his 70th birthday. A volume of his important papers, edited by himself, will be published by the Indiana University Press. Additionally, we thought a testimonial dinner should be held for him in New York City during the AAAS meetings 26-31 December 1960. The exact place has not been established, but we hope that it will be the Columbia University Faculty Club. Could you let me know if you do intend to give a paper or attend the AAAS meetings? Mrs. Muller hopes that if you can attend, you will also bring your wife along. If this is possible, could you indicate this, too? I hope to have more specific information for you on the dinner, the time, and the place as soon as this preliminary information is in. Sincerely yo urs Cee Lf 6 7 Ce Elof cafison RAC:cp